Don’t Make Me Go Postal On You

14 Oct

Do you ever have one of those days where people and circumstances piss you off quicker then usual?

That was me today. sigh.

I don’t know why this happens, it doesn’t happen all that often luckily…some say I have a temper cause of my red hair, ah, don’t you just loooove stereotypes? Yup, I sure do, I absolutely adore being judged based solely on my hair colour. *rolls eyes* I won’t even go in to the comments I get from people based on the other stereotypes about redheads.

Personally, I like to think I have a temper because I feel emotions strongly, I don’t think it has anything to do with my hair And! My temper isn’t even all that bad anymore! It’s not like it mellowed with age or anything, more like I got better at controlling it and deciding when to let it “be freeeeee” and when I am over-reacting.

Well today, oh today, *big sigh*, I thought I was gonna burst a blood vessel cause of all the stupidity surrounding me.

It started with Tim Horton’s, I love Timmy’s! I however, generally, don’t care much for the majority of the staff there…it’s like management purposefully picks employees who don’t listen to what the customer wants and are incapable of critical thinking…and see, that’s a sign of my temper cause that’s such an over-generalization of the staff there. I have had great experiences at Tim’s, staff that were super friendly and helpful and it’s not right for me to label them all as incompetent-annoying-stupid-boobs just cause I’m in a mood…and yet, right now, I am. erg.

Here is how my convo at the Tim’s counter went (oh, and I’m inside face-to-face with the cashier not talking through one of drive thru boxes):

Me: Hi, I’d like a pumpkin spice tea and a tin of fine ground coffee please.

Staff #1: What? you want coffee?

Me: Yeah, a tin of the fine ground coffee…oh, and a pumpkin spice tea.

Staff #1: *staring at her till*muttering* coffee…coffee…coffee…Ok, one tin of coffee *she then goes and grabs the tin*stares at me expectandly

Me: and a pumpkin spice tea, you still have that right? the website says you stock it for all of October…

Staff #1: Pumpkin spice donut?

Me: uh, sure, I guess I could take one of those too but I’d really like the pumpkin spice tea.

Staff #1: in a tin?

Me: no, in a cup, so I can drink it.

Staff #1: oh! ok. *punches stuff on her till* your total is $$, the other lady will make your tea and put it over there

Me: Thanks. *I go to the pick up counter*

Staff #2: here’s your wrap

Me: I didn’t order a wrap, I’m waiting for my cup of tea

Staff #1: she wants a pumpkin tea

Staff #3: she wants what?

Staff#2: I’m not sure…

Staff #1: the pumpkin tea, do we still have that?

Staff #3: no, we’re all out of that

Staff #1: *to me this time* oh, we’re all out of the pumpkin tea *goes to turn away*

Me: well, can I just get a steeped tea then (they are the same price and I’ve already paid)

Staff #1: what?

Me: a steeped tea?

Staff #1: what is that?

Me: *louder and with even clearer pronounciation* a STEEPED tea, you know, the normal tea?

Staff #1: ooooh, um ok, what size?

Me: whatever size you charged me for when you placed the order for the pumpkin tea is fine.

Staff #1: ok, cream and sugar?

Me: just one milk please

Staff #1: so cream and sugar.

Me: No, just one milk.

Staff #1: one cream?

Me: Milk!

Staff #1: oh, milk, ok

That was my first encounter with humanity today, well face to face anyways, it totally set the mood for the rest of my day. *wrinkles nose*

It got even worse when I was in Wal-Mart. Along with my other items I was buying I needed to buy a roll of scotch tape (you know, the kind you can write on?), well, when I got to the till it wouldn’t scan, system said it wasn’t “in the system” so the cashier throws the tape to the side, says it won’t scan and proceded to charge me for my other items. Uh, I needed the tape, otherwise I wouldn’t be buying it. lol. So I tell her I need the tape and that started off a whole chain of events that almost drove me to go postal in Wal-Mart. *rolls eyes*

I won’t write out the whole convo cause it’s too long but here are some fun highlights of this encounter (1) cashier won’t use her phone to call for help or get a manager cause “her throat hurts” (uh, she was talking just fine) (2) even though the barcode isn’t in system so their till doesn’t think the tape exists she wants me to go back to where I got it and grab another one (3) a manager came over, said “oh yeah, sorry, we can’t sell this to you cause it’s not in the system, same thing happened with this tape last night” to which I pointed out if they knew the tape was causing a problem last night they should have taken it off the shelf because I need the tape and since it was there for me to select they have to figure out a way to get it in the system so I can buy it (I was getting pissy by this point) (4) the manager goes away, with the tape, a different manager comes up to see what’s going on so the cashier sorta explains it (5) I’m told to wait to the side a bit while the cashier rings through those behind me, by doing this I got hit by a cart when the lady pushing it didn’t pay attention to where she was going (6) after waiting 20 minutes and the manager not coming back I pay for my other stuff and tell the cashier I want to speak to a manager about the “situation”, I am told to talk to a manager I have to go wait in the Customer Service line – which is huuuuuge (7) I wait in line, the manager finally pops up with a different type of tape and wants me to buy that one instead, I explain I need the other type cause it can be written on, (8) they realize it’s stupidly easy to sell me the tape by putting it in the till as a generic code and I finally get to leave.

After all that I couldn’t wait to get to boxing class! lol I took out much of my frustration while boxing this evening and boy did it feel gooood! Least I won’t be going to bed annoyed with the world. lol. ๐Ÿ˜›

Sorry this post had nothing to do about my weight watchers or exercise plan, I’ll be more on the ball with my writing tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜€ maybe ๐Ÿ˜‰ teehee

4 Responses to “Don’t Make Me Go Postal On You”

  1. Dacia October 15, 2011 at 2:50 am #

    That may be the hardest thing to deal with; stupidity and incompetence. Although I have gotten better at handling work stress I still have not been able to handle my temper when faced with bad drivers and bad customer service people. Gosh I wish I could though. Ugh! Your morning sounds so frustrating! I was actually yelling at the WM employee in your story to just manually enter the price. Why was that so difficult? Lol! Oh well! Glad you had boxing!

    • shrinkingwmn October 15, 2011 at 12:39 pm #

      I feel so much better knowing someone else wanted to yell…in my head I was yelling at her, in reality I was gripping the handle of my cart uber hard and trying to not snap her head off. *shakes head* I don’t see why it took so many people such a long amount of time to figure out how to manually enter a price…apparently problem solving skills aren’t high on the list of employee attributes at WM. lol ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Snoring Dog Studio October 15, 2011 at 5:03 am #

    Ugh. What frustration! WalMart could have practiced some excellent customer service and just given you the tape. How arrogant these big box stores are to assume the customer has all the time in the world to wait around while the Stooges try to figure out the system. It’s just tape, but yes, you needed it! That would be my last trip to WalMart forever.

    • shrinkingwmn October 15, 2011 at 12:42 pm #

      That’s what I started thinking about 15 minutes into the whole event, it’s not like tape is really expensive, just give me the tape for heavens sake cause this is ridiculous! I wish it could have been my last trip to WalMart but sadly, I know I will end up there again. I almost dumped out all the stuff that was already bagged and said “screw it” and walked out but that would have hurt me more then WM. Stupid box stores, totally have us over a barrel. sigh.

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