It’s Not You, It’s Me!

31 Mar

It’s not that things haven’t been happening since Friday (the day of my last post) it’s that first I was too busy, then too sick, then too exhausted from being sick to write – but things are looking up this evening and I am fully alert (yah!) so it’s catch up time! πŸ™‚

Ok, let’s see, the weekend! Saturday I only ate a little bit over my points, I used I think 3 flex points? Sorry, don’t have my tracker near me to confirm that. Nothing horribly exciting food wise that day – I got up a bit earlier then normal cause I had an early afternoon shift at work so I ate more like a weekday then a weekend cause I had to have my food last over a full amount of hours instead of fewer due to having slept through a lot of them. lol. Oh! My weigh in – I lost 1 pound! πŸ˜€ Yah! I’m still bitter I am working on re-losing the 3 pounds I gained back, sigh, but hey, 1 down 2 to go – then back to my normal weight loss…ya know, pounds I haven’t lost yet? πŸ˜›

Sunday, up even earlier then saturday (can you believe it?!) cause I hooked up with a couple friends to go to brunch, yum! We went to a restaurant I had never heard of but it was totally worth it! I split my dish with KL cause both dishes sounded good to me and everytime she goes there she always wants to try something new but she orders the same dish as her last visit cause she loves it so much. lol. So she got a smoked salmon eggs benedict with avocado and I got french toast with strawberries and whipped cream. πŸ™‚ In reality we each ate 1 1/2 pieces of french toast with some strawberries and whipped cream and we also each got half a serving of eggs benny, Mmm! Oh, there were also cubed hash browns – I had 4 of those dipped in either ketchup or some of my syrup lol.

After food we went to the mall, did some window shopping, I bought some toys for one of my nephews then we saw the movie Sucker Punch – great action! great effects! great music! not the best story line, or maybe it was better then I first thought cause I am still thinking about it and it seems everyone has a different interpretation of it…

Well, then Monday morning came around, and I don’t mean the normal 6am when (sadly) work mornings usually start for me, nope, I mean 4am when I woke up way sick. ugh. My poor tummy! I was horribly nastily sick to my stomach for like 6 hours!! That should so not be allowed! 😦 Once my entire digestive track had been emptied (least that’s what it felt like) I was unconcscious until the next day – well, not totally, I had small moments of consciousness when I was aware of how much like crap I felt like and how badly I wanted water but was unable to get it lol. Tuesday was better – I was able to get up, shower, sit on the couch…simple stuff like that. πŸ™‚ I had no appetite at all but forced myself to eat a little bit otherwise I’d never have any energy the next day when I had to go back to work.

Wednesday was not great, went to work and felt like crap the whole day, only ate half an apple (slap on the wrist for me from weight watchers for that I’m sure! lol). After work I decided to skip the walk in clinic since up to this point they have not been all that helpful so I went to the ER of a small hospital that is near where I live (small hospital means small ER means shorter wait times πŸ˜‰ ) and lemme tell ya, when you say “abdominal pain” you get in pretty fast. heh. Oh, in case you were wondering, I went in cause I actually was having abdominal pain and couldn’t eat cause of it I didn’t just make that up. πŸ˜›

The doctor couldn’t do much for me, shrug, doctors – they are all quacks. sigh. This guys theory is that the walk in clinic docs put me on so many (3) and such strong (the strongest) antibiotics in an attempt to cure my cough (that I have had since December) it killed ALL the bacteria in my digestive track (there’s good and bad bacteria right? well, we need the good but if they are dead then you are screwed when it comes to digesting – who knew??) so the pain (that until about 2 weeks ago) I had been experiencing daily for like a month and a half and that came back to an extreme this past Tuesday is due to lack of good bacteria in my gut? double sigh. Looks like I’m not digesting properly. So now I am taking pro-biotics and hopefully within a week things will be better…we shall see…

There we have it! A catch up of the past while. See? It wasn’t me ignoring you or giving up on blogging or weight watchers, it was just me not having time and then not being able to blog, no hard feelings? πŸ™‚

Oh!Oh!Oh! I forgot to tell you! I weighed myself Tuesday just cause I was curious, I threw up so much I lost almost 3 pounds in one day! Kinda awesome huh? Makes me see why bulemics like losing weight their way – instant gratification. lol. πŸ˜‰ No threat of that becoming my way of doing things – I’d rather only taste my food once thanks. πŸ™‚

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