Tag Archives: family


18 Nov

Grief is an odd thing, we will all at some point experience it and yet, no two people will go through it the same way.

Some crush it down refusing to acknowledge it is there. Others become so wrapped up in it they never function the same way again. Most I think muddle through, alternating between days where they can fake things well enough to appear to be ok and other days they drown under the waves of emotion that bombard them, until they find a new normal. A slightly calmer ebb and flow of grief, one they can handle while still functioning in society. An odd tear at a random moment, a brief hitch of breath when a stab of pain finds their heart, but those come farther and farther apart until you can almost pretend the pain was never there. It isn’t under the newly formed scar, it isn’t something you’ve learned to live with, you just pretend it’s gone, never was, and that all is fine again.

Grief isn’t a bump we trip over while going through life, it’s a hole we fall into and have to crawl our way out of. Grief is a tsunami crashing over us that if we don’t hold our breath well enough, and swim strongly enough, we’ll never escape.

Grief comes to us because we have experienced a loss so painful we can’t brush it off, can’t look the other way, can’t eat a bit of ice cream and move on. It comes to us when our heart breaks, when our soul feels ripped in two, when the world no longer makes sense and we are left scrambling to find our footing.

Maybe at first you don’t try to find your footing maybe you let yourself stay afloat, unmoored, not tethered to anything, because the pain is so overwhelming you don’t even know how to reach out to someone so they can help anchor you.

When your feet finally find the ground again the pain doesn’t go away, it intensifies because now you’re forced to feel it all. There is no buffer, no cloudy mind to help hide the truth of what has happened. Now it’s just you and the pain facing off.

Does the pain win? Do you win? Can there be a winner or just a vague truce made between the two?

Eventually, if you live long enough and if you’ve let yourself become close enough to others that you feel love, you will feel grief. There’s a quote, something about the more you hurt the stronger you loved. I don’t know if that sentiment is right, but I do know that right now my heart is destroyed, I am broken, the pain of loss has beat me and I don’t care if I ever come back from it because I don’t want a world where this person who is vital for my happiness isn’t here. But that isn’t how life works. We lose people, it’s inevitable, and the world keeps going on about its business while those like me are left stumbling, off rhythm from everyone else, because they are no longer whole and don’t care enough to try to fake being ok.

Grief is an equalizer, a painful one. By choosing to love we voluntarily sign ourselves up to one day feel this way. A poor bargain is it not? Is the love once felt worth the pain that takes it’s place?

The person I lost, the reason I am drowning right now, I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t had them in my life. Their impact on who I became was huge, and the memories I have of them so dear to me I will fight with everything I have to preserve them. I cling to one of their cardigans, I ordered their favourite meal at a restaurant, I’m eating their ice cream, all to try to bring them back to me, to feel them close just for one more second. It’s a stupid game I play, one that will only hurt me in the end because they aren’t coming back and trying to cling to them just makes the pain last longer, cut deeper, overwhelm me even more.

The value I place on every photograph of them, every item they once used or touched, is so high I would make rash decisions and poor choices to keep all these items just as they are. I can’t make their entire house a shrine, and I shouldn’t try, but every time something changes I hurt a bit more because that is a change they won’t see, an update they won’t know about. It is proof life is going on without them and right now, with the pain so strong, I don’t understand how that is possible.

He is dead, and I am lost, but I guess the pain is the price of such a strong love and since I don’t want to know what a life without that love would have been like, who I would have been without it, grief is the price I must pay.

A New Year

2 Jan

We are a little over 24 hours in to 2016…how are things going for you so far? Is it everything you were hoping it would be? 😉

I know it is hard to tell this early in to the New Year but maybe you have an inkling of how things might go…or at least a hope!

It is kind of funny,  I always think of the New Year as a chance to wipe the slate clean, start fresh, ya know? But this year I am still dealing with a bunch of stuff that happened at the tail end of 2015 and it doesn’t feel like a new year has started, that I’m at the beginning of a new chapter in the Book of Me. I feel like I am still cleaning up after 2015.

It kinda sucks…

Not the happiest New Years post is it? sigh

It isn’t that every thing is bad or anything, I’m just in a bit of a down spot I guess. It’ll get better, promise!

I wish I had been able to post the past couple of weeks, due to technical difficulties I wasn’t able to easily get online or write anything so I thought I’d do a catch up post Dec 31st but that didn’t happen…obviously lol

I went home for Christmas, got to hang with the family and friends, got to enjoy the snow and remind my weather wimpy body what true winter weather is like lol I had a great visit! Which is one of the reasons I wish I’d been able to post while away, it is always so much more fun to write about things the same day they happened!

I took a bunch of pictures, though not as many as normal, they are currently uploading to DropBox as I type…I don’t think they will be uploaded in time for this post, seems I took over 100 pics! Eek! But I’ll do a post another day showing you some of what I got up to. 🙂

Mostly my trip consisted of taking advantage of the measly 5% sales tax Alberta has (lucky bastards! lol) and hanging with people. In fact, a happy benefit to my being where there was only 5% sales tax aaaaaand great Christmas sales is that I am writing this post on a brand new oh so lovely laptop! wOOt! Which I’m hoping means I will no longer be having tech problems that keep me from posting. *crossing fingers*

The laptop came loaded with Windows 10, which is going to take me a bit of getting used to lol I’ve spent the last little bit installing Office and anti-virus and logging in to various websites so this laptop can remember my log-in deets for all the various sites I visit. I didn’t get the old laptop backed up and then have it all dumped on this one so I am starting fresh, which is oddly unsettling lol

2016 may not be starting off quite as I envisioned but I’m sure it will be great! Awesome things will happen…some sucky things will happen…but then other even more awesome things will happen to balance the scales and by the end of 2016 I’m sure I will have forgotten how I felt on the first day of this year. 🙂



Christmas Brunch

13 Dec

Every year my work holds a huuuuuge Christmas Brunch. We have so many residents now there were three brunch seatings, a 9:30am, 11:30am and 1:30pm.

I look forward to this day all month! I’d say all year but lets be honest, I’m not really thinking about a Christmas brunch in the middle of summer, that’d just be weird lol 😛

We had around 400 people come through the brunch today, which is ridiculous if you know the size of the space and the amount of staff we have. But we are a team of awesome and rocked the brunch like nobodies business.

Ok yeah, I am bragging but whatev, it is a long, busy, hard, day and we not only handled it we did great at it. The people I work with are awesome. 🙂

Pretty much my entire day was spent dealing with brunch related work stuff, not related directly to the food, which is a good thing because oh wow I can be clumsy lol More the organizing and seating and directing of people and tracking everyone so I knew every resident was accounted for and every guest counted so we don’t screw up the charges and answering all the questions and blah blah blah.

Oh, and the hugs. There were countless hugs from residents, and warm wishes exchanged, and love, there was so much love in that building today it was beautiful to watch.

Seeing someone surrounded by their family, watching a resident’s face light up as they see their great-grandchild, listening to family members exchange stories and catching up. People taking an hour and a half out of a random Sunday to turn off their phones and spend time with their loved ones and focus on family, and being connected to each other.

It is something people should do more often and its such a pleasure to be there when it does happen. 🙂

The only part that kinda sucks is that breakfast (for me) was at 7am and I didn’t get to eat again until a bit after 3:30pm. That is a loooooong stretch of time! By the time we ate my stomach had left the feeling hungry stage and was back at not feeling hungry, which was unfortunate. I loaded up my plate, mostly with veggies lol, in the hopes my stomach would wake up once I started eating but it didn’t really so I was left feeling oh-so-full and a tad gross. I hate when that happens. But look, look how good the food looked!

2015-12-13 15.32.28.jpg

Okay so not the best picture, I am not skilled at plating my food so it looks pretty but hey, it tasted good and really, that is all that matters…to me anyways!

There is some smoked salmon with capers and cream cheese, turkey with gravy, roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, golden beets (which are a fave of mine), red beets, zucchini and prawns. There were other food items, like eggs benedict, salmon with some sort of sauce, roast beef, mashed potatoes with corn, various salads, various types of bread and buns…there might have been more stuff but that is all I can remember right now, I think I am in a bit of a food coma lol

There was also a dessert buffet which I didn’t think to take a picture of until it had been almost picked clean, this is the only image I have of it…

2015-12-13 15.15.44.jpg

There were various pies, cheesecakes, tarts, bread pudding with rum sauce, cream puffs, fruitcake, cookies, fresh fruit, creme brule, mince tarts, cheese…I’m missing some stuff but it is a lot to remember!

From 10am until the end of the last seating we had a piano player sharing her talents which is always nice and of course Santa Claus appeared for each seating, no child can be left behind! lol I was too busy to remember to take pictures of either of those so you’ll just have to trust me that Santa and the piano player were top notch. 🙂

The only other thing I took a picture of was the ice sculpture but I waited too long and the poor guy was fairly melted, as you can tell by the size of his head…

2015-12-13 15.15.25.jpg

So yeah, that was my Sunday. Basically working my butt off, then enjoying food with my co-workers, then going home to digest and sleeeeeeeep! 🙂

Hope your Sunday was just as awesome!

Surprise Care Package

28 Apr

When I got home the other day I had a surprise waiting at my front door, a package that came all the way from across the pond – fyi, that means  England! 🙂

It is from my Uncle and contained an Easter card and some yummy goodies.



The small red package at the front is a Maltesers Bunny which I have to say is one of the best Easter goodies I have seen this year lol It is basically a large Maltesers and since those are one of my fave treats well, let’s just say good choice Uncle P! 🙂

Oh, and I love that the Jelly Babies became Jelly Bunnies, hey, don’t judge, its cute! 😛

It’s always nice to get something in the mail, to be reminded that someone out there, at some point was thinking about you and put the time and effort in to sending you something to let you know that they care. So many people only send emails or texts nowadays, its depressing. I love getting stuff in the mail, and I love sending stuff, imagining friends or family opening a card or a small package and smiling because who doesn’t automatically smile when opening up something they got in the mail that isn’t a bill?

I could get all moody and ranty and start on about why don’t more people send more things through the mail but instead I’ll enjoy glancing over and seeing the Easter card sitting on display and knowing that each time I eat one of those goodies I am eating something that was sent to me with love. 🙂

My Christmas Season Jaunt

4 Jan

Every year I go home for Christmas. Depending on which way you lean home is either where the majority of your stuff is or it is where your family is…this means I have two homes. 🙂

It was only a short trip because of not being able to get a lot of time off work, including my travel days I was gone five days, really though, more like 4 and a bit because I flew out after work in the evening and didn’t get to my parents until sometime after 11pm, that doesn’t count as a day, right?

While back home I celebrated my birthday on Dec 23rd, yay for birthdays! I went to the mall (one of my happy places) with my bestie NH. We did some shopping, mostly wandering, I highly enjoyed the teeny tiny 5% tax they have lol Then we got lunch where I decided to eat whatever I want cause it’s my birthday! Calories don’t count on your birthday, it’s practically a law! lol

I had a so-so burger, the fries were freakin delish tho! lol

Mmm fries!

Mmm fries!

I also decided a birthday dessert was in order 😛



It was described as a small chocolate cake with ice cream. Imagine my happy surprise when it turned out to be a lava cake! Holy crap was it good, a little bit of food heaven on a plate, Mmm! 😀

After hanging with NH I went back to my parents where I had some down time, attempted to digest my late lunch in time to make room for dinner, and then happily hung out with the family. Which, fyi, consists of my parents, my brother and sister, my sister’s kids and their dad. It was a loud (cause of the kids) jumbled (cause of the amount of people) evening and I loved it. 🙂

Now, pictures were taken of me blowing out my birthday candles but I don’t have them yet so instead I will show you what the cake looked like the next day when I was having a piece for, hmm, breakfast? Mid morning snack? Lunch? One of those three! lol

Queen Victoria Sponge Cake

Queen Victoria Sponge Cake

I requested a Queen Victoria Sponge cake for my birthday cake. The layers go: sponge cake, jam, whipped cream, sponge cake, and is topped with a sprinkle of icing sugar. It is quite lovely. 🙂 Mine had raspberry jam because that is my favourite type.

After the time out from Christmas stuff to celebrate my birthday we all get back in to Christmas mode. Christmas day was quieter than normal because my sister and nephews and their dad all spent Christmas day with his family. We have been spoiled and get them most years so it’s only fair they spent this one with his side.

With it being just my parents, my brother and I it was quite a different experience lol Everything was so calm and orderly, I kinda liked it, not that I don’t love when all the others are also with us though!

The rest of my time there was spent visiting with a friend and her family and chilling with my parents. 🙂

It’s always sad when it comes time to leave even though I really enjoy where I live. It seems especially hard to say bye when the trip is so short, but is any trip ever long enough?

While I was there I ate horribly! I ate larger portions than normal, and wasn’t as picky about what foods I ate (proven by those food pics I posted lol) 😛 I opted to not feel bad about my eating habits while there because most of what I was eating were foods that I wouldn’t have access to once back home. My mom made oatmeal squares which are by far one of my fave foods, and oh man did I eat a lot of those! lol I also ate all that food on my birthday, then Christmas day was another foodie day, plus the next day when I had prime rib and all sorts of side dishes at my friends place, plus wine, a very yummy wine that I hope to find here…basically it was 4 and a bit days of food lol

When I got home I immediately went back to my normal eating habits and actually had a couple days where I felt super full and gross and bloated, I think I was still digesting all the food from when I was away, or at least that is what it felt like, ugh. It was so unpleasant. I was really upset because I figured I’d put on a lot of weight and felt so heavy and was really mad at myself but after a couple days of eating light and exercising I woke up and felt fine. No more feeling fat (well, fatter than I normally feel lol), no more feeling bloated or gross or anything…I was so relieved!

To make things even better today was my weigh-in day and not only had I not gone up, I went down! Not by a lot, only 0.4 lbs, so barely anything at all, but I don’t care lol Over my birthday and Christmas and New Years, plus a friend’s get together that I went to last night I was certain I’d gone up so learning today that I hadn’t made this girl a happy camper! 🙂

UK Trip Day 7: July 20/14

21 Sep

Just a quick recap for Day 6 of vacation, after the cliff jumping I got a taxi ride back to the B&B had a quick shower and went to the attached cafe for lunch where I devoured fish n chips, Mmm! 🙂 I didn’t have anything else planned for the rest of that day, I wanted to wait and see how I felt. I was told there was an interesting lighthouse that people liked to go to, you can climb all the way to the top but I just wasn’t feelin it, ya know? Normally I’d have been all over that lighthouse excursion but after lunch I went back to my room and napped lol Yes, that is right, I napped. I was exhausted! I think not just from the cliff jumping but the whole week, I think it caught up to me and knowing that I had my own room (no more hostels, woot!), and knowing that starting the next day I’d be surrounded by family, my body decided forget climbing a hill and then a bunch of steps, it was time for sleeeeeep.

Some might say I wasted that afternoon and evening, but I don’t feel I did. I worried a bit that evening I’d regret not having done something once I no longer had the chance but nope, I still don’t regret it. I made endless cups of tea in my room, took my time packing and getting organized, had that lovely nap, watched some tv, read some of my book, went on facebook cause that was one of the only places in Wales I’d had internet and well, that’s pretty much it, shrug. Heck, I even went to bed early! *gasp*

July 20th aka Day 7

I wasn’t sure how long it would take to drive to Manchester from Holyhead Wales so I decided I should probably leave around 9am. My rental car was due back hmm…noon or 12:30pm, somewhere around there and I was worried what would happen if I was late. I went to the cafe for breakfast and when the lady took my order she commented that she noticed the day prior I hadn’t eaten the bacon or sausage, I apologized and told her I forgot to mention to her I don’t eat pork. She seemed so worried I wouldn’t have enough to eat so with my full Welsh breakfast she didn’t bother with the pork but instead I got an extra egg and some fried mushrooms, yum! I dallied a bit over breakfast, had an extra cup of tea, basically did whatever I could to stay longer. I really didn’t want to leave.

I didn’t want to leave The Beach Hut B&B (seriously, nicest people ever!). I didn’t want to leave Wales (I fell in love with that country). I didn’t want to leave that section of my vacation (I learned I looooove going on vacation alone, who’d of thunk it? lol). I just didn’t want to leave, sigh. But leave I did, and only a tad behind schedule. 🙂

Thanks to the wifi at The Beach Hut I looked up directions to the Manchester airport the night before and wrote down quite possibly the most detailed directions anybody in the history of the world has ever written lol Oh, and Dave being the awesome man that he is, when I was partway down one of the flights of stairs with my stupid heavy suitcase he saw and came rushing up the stairs to take it from me! When I said not to worry he made a comment, I don’t have the exact quote or anything, but it was something like of course he would help and I should have come and got him because of course he’d have brought it down all the stairs and not just the final flight of them. Love that man! 🙂

I said bye, told them I had a great stay and I loved the place, loaded up the car and *sniffle* left Holyhead. 😦

I was so sad to be leaving I took pictures while driving, *rolls eyes at self*

I was so sad to be leaving I took pictures while driving, *rolls eyes at self*


Driving back towards Manchester I was much more confident on the highways, heck, even on the little roads and within city limits. At the beginning of the trip, when I was leaving Manchester and on my way to Llanberis I wasn’t sure of the speed limits anywhere so I am sure I was going slower than I needed to. On this leg of the drive not only was I more comfy driving on the left side of the road, and more comfy with the style of driving over there, I was also more used to the road sign placement so I actually noticed signs in enough time to read them properly which meant I knew the speed limit, yay! This meant I got to Manchester waaaaaaaay earlier than I predicted lol

Returning the rental car was thankfully a lot easier than the ordeal I went through picking it up – if you don’t know what ordeal I am referring to feel free to click here to read all about it. I had to fill out a form when I dropped the car off, there were all these questions asking about how happy I was with the service etc. I chose to fill out the form truthfully, and then when I was giving it back to the lady at the returns section of the lot I mentioned I had a horrible experience at pick up and now that I’ve told the truth on my form I was probably going to get charged for something (damage to the car that I didn’t do etc) because the powers that be within the company would be unhappy with the review I gave. She said no, she was the one who assessed returning vehicles and she promised she wouldn’t charge me for anything just because I wrote the truth on the form. I wasn’t sure if I trusted her, which is horrible to say, but it is true, shrug. I never did get random charges by them on my credit card and I even got an email asking me to fill out a longer online survey because they heard I had an unpleasant experience. I filled out the form and their response was that next time I rent a car from them I can get a discount. I won’t ever be renting a car from them again, but the offer is nice.

All this time I’ve been talking about the car, I don’t think I ever put a picture up of it, here ya go…

The little Kia that got me through Northern Wales

The little Kia that got me through Northern Wales


It really was a cute little car, great for the tiny roads. It handled well and was comfy, go Kia! 🙂

I had time to kill waiting for family to pick me up, originally it was going to be Sue, who when I was younger I used to call Aunt Sue even though she is my cousin cause she was an adult and I wasn’t and it is polite to have a prefix in front of an older than you family members name but now that I am all grown up I just call her Sue…actually…most of the time I found ways to get around calling her her name cause I felt a little odd calling her Sue but she’s not my Aunt so I can’t call her Aunt Sue anymore and well, it was kinda awkward lol By the end of the trip I got it sorted out though lol So anyways! She was going to pick me up but then I got a phone call from her son Liam saying he was picking me up, along with Samantha (his sister), and Bryan (Sam’s son)…still with me? 😉

Liam ended up calling me from the car cause they were lost and needed me to give them directions to where I was waiting (I was at the car rental office) which I thought was hilarious cause I have absolutely nooooo sense of direction, however! I had my freakishly detailed handwritten notes I had made for how to get to the car rental place from Holyhead so I read off to him the section of the notes that were pertinent to him and eventually he found me, well, they found me. 🙂

It was great seeing family, and it seemed almost magical how for a week I’d been travelling on my own and sorting things out by myself and all of a sudden I was in a car with people who had my back, aaaaaand who understood much better than I how everything worked lol Finally! People who could answer all my random questions about all the odd little things I’d been noticing but had nobody to comment to about them lol Oh, and even better, someone to drive who knew (roughly) where they were going. What a relief!

To be continued…dun dun dun… 😉


24 Dec

This is a day late but better late than never, right? 😉

Yesterday, December 23rd, was my birthday! Yay! We will not discuss how many years I have been on this planet thank-you-very-much! lol

The day did not go quite as planned but I don’t care, it was my birthday which means no matter what the day will be good. 🙂 Or at least that is my mentality. Logical? Nope! Do I care? Nope!

My flight was supposed to arrive 10:30pm the night before but I got in around 4am the day of. I did not anticipate any of my birthday being spent en route to my parents place for Christmas but not like I could do anything about it. The plane was coming from Montreal, landing, going to Prince George then coming back to take my flight to Alberta. The storms on the Eastern end of the country held up the plane when it was coming from Montreal then when it got to Prince George there was some sort of trouble so all in all my flight was late by 7 hours. Some people were pretty cranky but I don’t see the point in that. Nobody can control the weather, and when travelling in winter you are pretty much guaranteed to have flight delays, and I’m sorry but being passive aggressive to the people who work with the airlines is ridiculous.

Ok, rant over!

I got to my parents place just before 5:30am, chilled with them for a bit then crashed. By that point I’d been up over 24 hours and was in desperate need of sleep. I didn’t want to sleep my whoooooole birthday away though, just part of it! lol, so I got my mom to wake me. She woke me by bringing me a cup of tea 🙂 Best. Mom. Ever.

My birthday gifts to myself were exercising and a new purse. Yes, you read that right, exercising was one of my birthday gifts to myself. Normally when I go on anything I can deem a vacation I slack when it comes to exercise and even if I have the best of intentions I end up eating poorly. Bad habits sure but at least I know myself and know what I’m gonna get up to lol For this trip I brought the Insanity workouts on a memory stick and my laptop with the full intention of working out daily, or almost daily (I’m thinking it won’t happen on Christmas day but who knows?) and so far I am two for two. A Christmas miracle! lol

I got up (eventually) on the 23rd, made a healthy breakfast, digested for a bit, worked out, showered (and pampered myself) then enjoyed the rest of my birthday knowing I had done something good for myself. That’s gotta be a first…and what’s even weirder is I liked it lol

I spent the day with my family and loved it. Got to see my nephews, my bro and sis, obviously my parents since I am staying with them lol All in all, a perfect day! 🙂

Oh, and I got a whole lotta books as presents which made me squeal like a little girl and literally hug the books to my chest lol I looooove reading and haven’t been able to afford to buy a new book in ages so getting a whole stack of books, and all of them the newest book in various series that I read, was amazing! I also got a beautiful silver chain which is perfect for my dragon boat pendant. 🙂

Happy birthday